



“We shall call you Captain America, son!

Because, like you -- America shall gain the strength

and the will to safeguard our shores!”

Captain America is hands down one of the most iconic, well-known and loved comic book characters in history. This month we celebrate a special marker for our favorite patriotic superhero; Cap turns 80! Created by legendary cartoonists Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, the Cap character first appeared in Captain America Comics #1 in March 1941. The comic was created during World War II and showcased the super soldier fighting the evil Axis powers military coalition. Captain America was seen as a beacon of hope and inspiration.

To commemorate Cap’s 80th Anniversary in comic book form, we’ve put together our top 5 best moments in comic book history!

Punching Hitler on the cover of Captain America Comics #1 (1941)

Captain America was designed during World War II and was set in the same time period. Seen as a beacon of strength and hope, one of Cap’s best and most patriotic moments came from his first comic appearance. On the cover of Captain America Comics Issue #1 in March 1941, Cap can be seen punching Hitler, fighting the war hands on! This sure made for a memorable first impression!

Fighting Red Skull without his powers in Captain America Vol. 3 #17 (1999)

Created in a lab using a super serum; villains believed this to be Captain America’s source of power. In Captain America Vol. 3 #17, entitled “Extreme Prejudice!” we find out the real measure of a Superhero. Cap’s true source of power doesn’t stem from the serum alone, it stems from the man himself and what he stands for! This is never better depicted than in this issue, where Red Skull has seemingly won. After stealing the Cosmic Cube, Red Skull is able to drain Cap of his strength. Because Captain America is more than just his serum strength, he’s made up of inner strength and the good that’s always been inside him, Cap is still able to defeat the villain. Delivering a beating, along with the legendary line: “The strength of this country isn’t buildings of brick and steel. It’s in the hearts of those who have sworn to fight for its freedom against any foe - no matter how great the odds! You can take away my muscle, Skull… but you will never take my strength!”

Standing up to Thanos in The Infinity Gauntlet #4 (1991)

Before the movie representation, Captain America stood up to Thanos in comic book form! Depicted in The Infinity Gauntlet Vol. 1 #4, even when all hope is seemingly lost and victory is a far reach away, Cap stands his ground against the tyrant Thanos, even though Thanos holds the powers of the infinity stones.

Lifting Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, proving he is worthy in The Mighty Thor Vol. 1 #390 (1988) and Fear Itself #7 (2011)

Thor’s mighty hammer, Mjölnir, is one of the most formidable weapons in all the realms. Inscribed with an enchantment that only allows the worthy to wield it, the inscription states: “Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” Many have tried to wield Thor’s hammer, but few have succeeded. One of those select few just happens to be Cap himself! By being able to lift the hammer and possess the power of Thor, Captain America demonstrates that he stands for all that is good, is pure of heart, and serves to protect others above all else.

Captain America retiring and passing on his title in Captain America Vol. 6 #19 (2012)

In Captain America Vol. 6 #19, Steve Rogers realizes that if he doesn’t wear the suit and maintain the responsibility of being Captain America, someone else will… only with adverse results. In this issue, William Burnside, who took over the mantle of Captain America, dubbed Captain America of the 1950’s, loses his life in a tragic mishap after trying to uphold the Captain America title. After visiting him in a S.H.I.E.L.D. hospital, Steve realizes he can never walk away from the mission of being Cap, because if he doesn’t hold the title, another will, and innocent lives will be at risk. It is this moment that Steve decides he will hold on to this burden for as long as he lives.