
Prohibited Use of Drop Shipping Services

At Gentle Giant Ltd., we strive to provide the best possible service to all our customers. To maintain the integrity and quality of our services, we have established the following policy regarding the use of our store for drop shipping purposes:
1. Prohibition of Drop Shipping 
  The use of our store for drop shipping is strictly prohibited. Drop shipping refers to the practice of purchasing products from our store for the purpose of reselling them to third parties without taking physical possession of the products.
2. Account Monitoring 
  We reserve the right to monitor accounts for activities that indicate the use of our store for drop shipping. This includes, but is not limited to, patterns of bulk purchasing and shipping to multiple addresses.
3. Consequences of Violation 
  If we determine that an account is being used for drop shipping, we will take appropriate action, which may include the suspension or closure of the account. We will notify the account holder of any such action and provide an opportunity to address the issue.
4. Returns and Refunds 
  Any returns or refund requests related to drop shipping activities will not be honored. Our standard return and refund policies apply only to purchases made for personal use.
5. Contact Information 
  If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding this policy, please contact our customer service team at